Medallic Art

ul. Kazimierza Wilekiego 35
50-077 Wrocław

Tu-Sat 11:00 — 17:00
Sun. 11:00 — 17:00

The Museum of Medallic Art is the only place in Poland specializing in gathering medallic and phaleristic exhibits. Currently, its vast collection includes around 50 thousand medals, medallions, and plaques, as well as orders, distinctions, Polish and foreign (mainly European) military decorations. The Museum also owns rich documentation of the artistic output of Polish and foreign sculptors dealing with medallic art. Currently, the Museum is housed in the Royal Palace, where its collections enrich a 1000 Years of Wrocław exhibition.

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Muzeum Sztuki Medalierskiej
Oddział Muzeum Miejskiego Wrocławia
Pałac Królewski
ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 35
50 – 077 Wrocław
Tel. 71 391 69 40
Fax: 71 344 47 85

Kierownik merytoryczny Muzeum Sztuki Medalierskiej
Barbara Kozarska-Orzeszek
Tel. 71 391-69-40 w. 105

Dział Pedagogiczny
Dorota Weiss
tel. (71) 347-16-96 wew. 332

Kierownik Administracyjny Pałacu Królewskiego
Tomasz Molenda
tel. 71 391-69-40

Pałac Królewski – kasa
tel. 71 391-69-40 w. 001