Silesia: the land of porcelain

13.05.2023 — 31.12.2023

The Old Town Hall
The Main Square

Wednesday-Saturday 11:00 — 17:00
Sunday 10:00 — 18:00

We invite you to a temporary exhibition in the Old Town Hall: “Silesia: the land of porcelain”. This is an exhibition of the collection assembled by the Silesian Museum in Görlitz, which has probably the largest collection of porcelain from Lower and Upper Silesia in the world. Porcelain lovers and long-standing collectors donated 200 cardboard boxes with around 15,000 pieces of porcelain to the museum in Görlitz. These include cups, plates, bowls, platters, jugs and vases. The exhibition will showcase the most beautiful and unusual pieces from this “land of porcelain”. We will show products from the largest porcelain factories in Lower Silesia, which were at the same time the largest porcelain factories in Germany. They produced tens of millions of dishes a year, and Silesian producers conquered the whole world with their products.

The largest Silesian factories included Krister, Tielsch, Ohme, Schlegelmilch and Königszelt. After the Second World War, production continued and to this day the three companies continue the tradition of German porcelain factories.

These porcelain treasures will be on display until the end of this year.