Bourgeois Art

Stary Ratusz, ul Rynek 1
50-438 Wrocław

Tu-Fri 10:00 — 17:00
Sun 10:00 — 184:00

The Museum of Bourgeois Art specializes in collecting and exhibiting objects connected with Wrocław craft workshops and artists since the oldest times until nowadays. The museum is located in the Old Town Hall – the most important building in Wroclaw and one of the most prominent monuments of late Gothic secular architecture in Europe. The Great Chamber with an impressive rib vault is particularly outstanding. Also Ducal Hall, Council’s Senior Chamber, Council Chamber and

Council Office deserve the attention. In the oldest part of the Town Hall – The Bourgeois Hall – marble busts of prominent figures connected with Wrocław are exhibited.

Bourgeois Art

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Muzeum Sztuki Mieszczańskiej
Oddział Muzeum Miejskiego Wrocławia
Stary Ratusz
50 – 107 Wrocław
Tel. 71 347–16-91
Fax: 71 344-47-85

Kierownik merytoryczny Muzeum Sztuki Mieszczańskiej
Jan Trzynadlowski
tel. 71 347–16–91 wew. 26

Dział Pedagogiczny
lekcje i warsztaty muzealne
Anna – Priebe Haglauer
Izabela Janicka
tel. 71 347-16-96
tel. 71 347-16-97

Kierownik Administracyjny Ratusza
Beata Domańska
tel. 71 347–16–91 wew. 24